Schizachyrium scoparium, commonly called little bluestem, is native to prairies, fields, clearings, hills, limestone glades, roadsides, waste areas and open woods from Alberta to Quebec south to Arizona and Florida. It was one of the dominant grasses of the vast tallgrass prairie region which once covered rich and fertile soils in many parts of central North America. Many consider the most outstanding ornamental feature of this grass to be its bronze-orange fall foliage colour.
little bluestem cultivar that is noted for its blue-gray foliage, burgundy-red fall colour and narrow upright plant form. It typically grows in a clump to 2-4' tall. Erect, broom-like clumps of slender, flat, linear leaves emerge light blue in spring, darken to blue-gray in summer, acquire purple highlights in late summer before turning burgundy red with pink and purple tones in fall. In July-August, flower stems rise higher than the foliage clump bearing small reddish-brown flowers. Flowers give way to seed heads fringed with showy, silvery-white hairs. Seed heads may persist into winter. Foliage eventually fades to beige in winter.
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