The classic purple coneflower. Beautiful rose pink ray petals with a coppery brown, spiky central cone. Petals are held horizontally, making the flowers appear even bigger. Newer blooms are more intense in color and lighten to pale rose as they age, lending a bicolor effect to the entire clump of Echinacea.
Echinacea purpurea is a wildflower native to the eastern United States and is well-adapted to survive the hot, windy conditions typical of that region. If properly cared for, they will form attractive colonies and will live for many years.Coneflowers like it sunny and hot. Though they will tolerate light shade, fewer flowers will be produced and the plants will be weakened. Light, loamy soils are best but coneflowers will grow in any well-drained soil. Once established, they are quite drought tolerant.
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